Vision Retail Distribution

Integrated platform for Products and Services Suppliers

Sales Processes:

  • Lead generation
  • New clients acquisition
  • Up Sales, Cross sales, Renewal and Renegotiation

Post-contracting Processes - cover cancelled contracts and past customers:

  • Cancelled Contracts
  • Past customers

Contracting and Operational Processes - are applied to existing clients base and consist in:

  • Approach based on clients segmentation
  • Portfolio Management Activities
  • Clients Portfolio Risk Assessment
  • Specific operational: Orders, Delivery, Maintenance, Info, Requests, Claims, Customer Service, Development, Collection and Retention activities

Administrative Processes - complex mechanism for automation control of the commercial offering based on predefined parameters, rules and level of authority:

  • Service catalogue administration
  • Pricing catalogue administration 
  • Commercial offers administration 
  • Contract models management
  • Commercial parameters


Customer Self Service

Provide customers with highly personalized, interactive service on the Web. Allow them to easily interact with your company and access their information including contracts, financial statements, support cases, and more. Communicate with customers and work more efficiently. 

Sales and Client Management

Automate the sales process and optimize the demand and supply lifecycle. Focus on what your customer needs avoiding wasting time and resources. 

Contract Management

Digitalize and automate the contract generation and approval process. Improve contracting control and optimize contracting resources.


Streamline operations, improve efficiency and delivery, and reduce costs with automated technologies that increase productivity by leaps and bounds.

Inventory and Commercial Packages

Combine products, services and parts in flexible packages. Define the commercial prices, contract statements, business rules, limits of authority, target market and automatically rollout the packages as catalogue items.


Adjust the behavior of the platform with powerful administration functionalities. Services, devices items and maintenance, cost management, sales actions, price lists, technical administration, portfolio and locations, etc. are fully administrable entities from the platform interface.

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Case Studies